So for date night I decided to pull out all the stops and make some gourmet burgers.  With the burgers I wanted to try the jalapeño and pistachio sauce I made here, but I decided to revamp it a bit.

Ingredients for the patties
  • 600g beef & ostrich mince (500g)
  • 280g pork mince (250g)
  • 10ml black pepper corns
  • 20ml whole coriander seeds
  • pinch dried chillies
  • 1.25ml fine cloves (can be less if you do not like cloves)
  • 2.5ml cumin
  • 3 large fresh garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • 7.5ml fine table salt

The amounts between brackets are what I actually asked the butcher for, but I ended up using the indicated quantities. The beef and ostrich mince can be replaced with lean beef mince. This will make 2 huge patties or 3 big ones.

Roast the pepper corns, coriander and dried chillies together in a dry pan until the coriander seeds turn brown. Put it all in a pestle and mortar and grind until fine.

Add all the ingredients together in a bowl and mix well.

Make 2 or 3 patties and fry in a pan with oil until brown, but still pink in the middle.


Ingredients for the jalapeño and pistachio sauce
  • 100g pistachios with shells
  • 100g jalapeños
  • 400ml coconut cream
  • Black pepper and salt to taste

Remove the shells from the pistachios and fry them together with the jalapeños in a pan with a bit of oil until the nuts are golden brown.

Liquidize all the ingredients together.

Other ingredients necessary to complete 2 burgers
  • 1 ciabatta roll (use half a roll per burger)
  • 2 fresh medium tomatoes, sliced
  • 4 pieces of bacon fried in a pan
  • 2 large brown mushrooms fried with the bacon
  • 2 cherry tomatoes
  • 4 jalapeños de-seeded and cut into rings
  • 2 potatoes cut into wedges (with skin on). These can be fried with the patties.
  • 2 gherkins for garnish
  • Rocket for garnish
  • Freshly ground black pepper corns and sea salt
  • Paprika
  • 2 wooden skewers

I served the burgers on top of a bed of rocket using a ciabatta which was briefly toasted, topped with fresh tomato slices, fried bacon, a whole fried brown mushroom, the sauce and fresh  jalapeño rings on top with a cherry tomato. I pegged it all together with a wooden skewer. On the side there were potato wedges which were fried in a pan with the patties and covered with freshly ground black pepper, sea salt and paprika.



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