As date night and Women’s Day were on the same day this year, I decided to make a three course meal for Tanya. The three meals consisted of sticky chicken wings, kudu sosaties and bread pudding.

I got the original recipe for the chicken wings from here, but adapted it to the following:

For 8 chicken wings:

  • 3 tablespoons dark soy sauce
  • 4 teaspoons dark demerara (or brown sugar)
  • 1 tablespoon mirin (or dry sherry)
  • 1 teaspoon dijon mustard
  • 0.5 teaspoon garlic powder

Mix it all well together and marinate the chicken wings for at least 2 hours, but preferably 24 hours.

I cooked the wings in an air fryer for 12 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius and served it with flash fried green asparagus, feta and olives.

We enjoyed the starter with a bottle of Morena Cuvée Catherine.

For the main course I marinated kudu steak cubes in a “Kook en Geniet” recipe I used before here. Marinate the steak for a least 24 hours but preferably 48 hours.

I created the sosaties using the kudu cubes, red peppers, red onions and homemade pork belly bacon.

I cooked the sosaties on an open grill for a couple minutes, making sure it is not overcooked.

Next in line, I made a traditional braaibroodtjie using a panini and grilled it on the open fire with some kudu sausage.

I served it all together with some baby mielies (corn) and feta and a 2015 bottle of Botha Kelder Barrel Fermented Chardonnay as well as a Viljoensdrift Chardonnay.

To end it off I took another “Kook en Geniet” recipe for bread pudding and changed it a bit.

Take one large croissant and spread it well with butter and apricot jam. If you have a large enough ramekin put the croissant in it or in my case I cut the croissant into two and placed it in smaller ramekins.

Squeeze the croissant down and sprinkle some dried cranberries over it. Create the following mixture, and pour it over the croissant:

  • 1 egg
  • 150ml milk
  • 50ml brown sugar

Let it stand for at least 30 minutes to soak. I baked the pudding in the air fryer for 15 minutes at 160 degrees Celsius. Serve warm with custard and sprinkle some pomegranate seeds on top.

Happy Women’s Day !!!

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