Low Carb Sunflower and Linseed Bread

Sunflower and linseed microwave low carb bread

Bread is probably one of the foods that banters miss most about their new lifestyle. There are loads of recipes for low carb bread, but most have almond flour as an ingredient which is just so expensive.  This recipe replaces the almond flour with a flour made by grinding sunflower seeds and linseeds – great taste at a fraction of the cost.  An additional benefit is that these seeds are super healthy,   You can also add ground pumpkin or sesame seeds to the mix.

Low Carb Sunflower and Linseed Microwave Bread


300ml ground sunflower seeds
300ml ground linseeds
10ml baking powder
8 eggs
60ml olive oil
5ml salt

5ml garlic powder
5ml dried oreganum
Toasted pumpkin, sunflower, sesame or poppy seeds as topping.


Grind the seeds in your food processor or in a coffee grinder.

Ground sunflower seeds and linseeds
Ground sunflower seeds and linseeds

Mix with the baking powder, salt and if using garlic power and/or oreganum.

Add the eggs and olive oil, mixing well.

Optional : Sprinkle over seeds.

Pop into the microwave on high for 8 minutes  or until firm on top.

Sunflower and Linseed Low Carb Bread
Sunflower and Linseed Low Carb Bread

I keep my bread in the fridge as there’s no preservatives in it so it does go off quicker than shop bought bread.  This bread also freezes very well.








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