A friend of mine recently gave me a nice cut of bacon. Upon first seeing the piece of meat I thought it was a duck breast. The idea of duck got stuck in my mind and I decided to convert an Angry Duck recipe into “Angry Pork”. This will then be a starter for date night where the two other dishes are Mexican Soup and Lamb Shank with oven roasted veg.
Category: Dish
Type of dish
OK, so winter is upon us, so we have to take the soup pot out! Normally I start the first soup of the winter with a chicken based soup. This winter is no different.
Feeling like Italian food and experimenting with my molecular
gastronomy kit on date night I decided to make a very simple Italian menu with some Heston Blumenthal wonders thrown in for the wow factor. (more…)
Adrienne got gammon for a really good price last week and we thought why not make homemade pork sausages ? (more…)