This Ottolenghi-inspired cuisine with our savoury wild boar ribs, enhanced by a fresh spring onion salsa and a divine couscous salad with a spicy raisin dressing, celebrates the South African essence by cooking these juicy ribs over an open fire in a “potjie”. While the traditional recipe uses pork ribs, our version features tender wild boar ribs, offering a distinct flavour twist.


“Indulge in the vibrant flavors of summer with a Chorizo, Potato, and Anchovy Skillet. The rich, smoky notes of chorizo dance with perfectly cooked potatoes and the umami kick of anchovies. Paired with a refreshing Summer Fruit and Ricotta Salad—featuring red grapes, lychees, cherry tomatoes, and creamy ricotta—it’s a delightful contrast of textures and tastes. Elevate the experience by adding a succulent sirloin steak cooked to a perfect medium-rare. Summer dining at its finest.” – ChatGPT (being overdramatic)
