For most people following a low carb diet bread is usually the most difficult food to give up. After all it is delicious and super convenient.

Since we started eating a bit more low carb a couple of years ago I’ve tried countless low carb bread recipes.  Almond flour is too expensive and I don’t like the taste of coconut flour in a savoury bread.  Grinding up linseeds and sunflower seeds became my preferred low carb “flour”.


A visit to the  Asian grocery store in Milnerton’s China Town inspired me to try and cook an authentic Chinese Red Cooked Beef  dish for date night.  We do not eat Chinese food that often – the American Chinese versions of chow mein and chop suey that you get in most Chinese restaurants here does not appeal to us.  As is often the case, if you want to get close to any authentic ethnic cuisine you have to cook it yourself.


I decided to cook Moroccan food for date night last week as my preserved lemons were a month old and  finally ready to use.  I love Paul Wolfert’s recipes so decided to make her Chicken with Preserved Lemons and Olives for our Moroccan date night.

This is a classic traditional Moroccan tagine recipe.  I won’t call my effort a tagine though as I did not cook it in a tagine pot.  Every time I pass Le Creuset I want to buy one but then I hear the “but how often will you use it” voice in my head.


We recently had the in-laws over for an 8 course Italian style dinner to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary.  I originally wanted to cook Braciole (a type of roulade) as a main course.  I made Braciole 3 Ways (with 3 different fillings) last year and it was delicious.   Adrienne really wanted to braai.  We compromised and went for a South African/Italian style fusion dish by cooking a rump steak with a braciole style filling  over the coals.


We have not had proper Mexican food in ages. Most “Mexican” restaurants around here is decidedly more Tex Mex – load of tacos and chilli poppers but sadly not a  Mole or Recado Rojo sauce in sight.  Not that we don’t enjoy Tex Mex  occasionally but it doesn’t come close to the real deal.  I made  Chicken Mole Poblano  and Adrienne made Achiote Chicken and Ancho Pork a while back. Since then our  Ancho (dried Poblano) and Guajillo (dried MIrasol) chillies have been sitting in the back of the food cupboard. To make up for this travesty I decided to make 3 main dishes for our Mexican date night.
