We recently had the in-laws over for an 8 course Italian style dinner to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary.  I originally wanted to cook Braciole (a type of roulade) as a main course.  I made Braciole 3 Ways (with 3 different fillings) last year and it was delicious.   Adrienne really wanted to braai.  We compromised and went for a South African/Italian style fusion dish by cooking a rump steak with a braciole style filling  over the coals.


Braciole (or involtini as it is known in Italy) are meat bundles with all kinds of delicious fillings.

Braciole is a beloved Sunday lunch in Italian American households. It is simmered for hours (often with meatballs and/or sausage) in a tomato sauce (called Sunday gravy).

All the recipes for fillings looked so delicious I could not pick just one. I decided to use 3 very different fillings – Braciole 3 Ways!
