We recently had the in-laws over for an 8 course Italian style dinner to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary.  I originally wanted to cook Braciole (a type of roulade) as a main course.  I made Braciole 3 Ways (with 3 different fillings) last year and it was delicious.   Adrienne really wanted to braai.  We compromised and went for a South African/Italian style fusion dish by cooking a rump steak with a braciole style filling  over the coals.


Sosatie (pl sosaties) is a traditional South African dish of meat (usually lamb or mutton) cooked on skewers. The term derives from sate (“skewered meat”) and saus (spicy sauce). It is of Cape Malay origin, used in Afrikaans, the primary language of the Cape Malays, and the word has gained greater circulation in South Africa. Marinated, cubed meat (usually lamb) is skewered and braaied (barbecued) shish-kebab style. Sosatie recipes vary, but commonly the ingredients can include cubes of lamb, beef, chicken, dried apricots, red onions and mixed peppers. Source: Wikipedia

I think most South Africans will agree that sosaties are an essential ingredient for any traditional South African braai. I decided to make four types of different sosaties using different marinades and different meats for date night.
